Sunday, April 1, 2012

What Teachers Want Parents to Know

I recently read an article written by Ron Clack called What Teachers Really Want to Tell Parents. 
After reading this, I learned that many parents are turning into prosecutors and critics instead of trying to support their child's teacher. More and more teachers are having "parent issues". These problems are making them want to throw in the towel and leave their profession. So, what two main things do teachers want parents to understand?

1) Teachers are not nannies. As educated professionals, if they give you advice, take it don't fight it. Some parents automatically start to fight and defend their child if anything negative is said about them. If parents took the advice instead of taking it in a bad way, their child would benefit from it.

2) Parents need to stop making excuses. Making excuses for their children will only make the kid irresponsible and teach him to turn to excuses when he isn't succeeding. This does not create a strong work ethic and will eventually only end up harming the child.

Parents need to be partners and not prosecutors. They should find a way to work with the teacher so they can both build a bright future for the student. By supporting the teacher and working with the system, the student will get a better education and learn to respect his teachers too.

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