Saturday, March 17, 2012

Rule #1: We are a Family

Ron Clark's book has 55 rules that are essential for a classroom to function. Why is the first rule, "We are a Family", so important?

By having the students see each other as a family, it would unite them in a way that otherwise would have been impossible to achieve due to how different every individual looks, thinks, and acts. It would mean that the students would have to treat each other with kindness and respect. Instead of dividing into different cliques and gangs thinking that one is better than the other, they could come together as one.

My own classroom rules for my Education and Training class could be:
  •  The Golden rule: Treat everyone the way you wish to be treated.
  • Make the right decisions
  • Get there on time
  • Follow teacher's directions
  • Do work before being distracted by YouTube