Sunday, February 26, 2012

The High Cost of Education

I plan to cover at least half of my college expenses with either scholarships or loans. I don't think I've done enough yet, but I'll keep applying until I do. I haven't applied to FAFSA just yet but I will soon.

I agree with President Obama's initiative to get more colleges to be more transparent with college costs and employment after graduating.  An article on The Reporter talked about how students with loans are graduating with an average of $25,000 in debt. On top of that, unemployment still remains high. The cost of college is so much that a fifth of the students don't return for a second year.

I really liked how Obama also said, “Higher education can’t be a luxury— it’s an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford.” I think this is very true. Everyone should be able to afford an education that will later on ensure a job that's worth while. The secret to a successful nation is its higher education.

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