Friday, November 11, 2011

If I could change education I would...

After watching the video of Changing Education Paradigms by Sir Ken Robinson, it made me realize that the way that we are being and have been educated, perhaps hasn't been the best after all.

 If I could change education I think I would start off by changing the standardized tests and activities inside the classroom. We all perform differently and therefore cannot all be evaluated and assessed by one standardized test. If testing is not our strong point, it limits our ability to succeed. 

 I think we could all learn more if we opened up to more options and had more "hands-on" activities. It would be a better learning experience and would get the students to be more engaged in what we are learning. It would also be a lot more interesting if we all learned something that would actually apply to our future lives rather than waste our time on things that we might not ever see again.

Also, rather than separating kids by age groups, I think it would help if we were separated by how much we know. Students with a higher level of intelligence should advance to the grade level they have the potential to be in. Rather than sitting in a class all day with students that don't understand the assignment and a teacher that can't move on because of those students.

I think students would really benefit from this and in the end we could all learn more.

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